Yoga for Beauty and Healthy Skin
for beauty can help you to look young and beautiful well into old age. Face is
the index of mind, good texture of skin and health of your hairs are an
indication of your physical and mental health.
I have
come across many people who have a glow on their face with years of regular
yoga practice. But this is not possible in a few days by doing some selective
asanas. You need to be disciplined in your diet, regular yoga practice,
follow yama andniyama yoga ethics and keep balance
between your outward personality and your true self. You have to avoid excesses
of all kinds. A person with disciplined life and regular yoga practice will
look beautiful form outside as well outside and treats you with a refreshing
smile always.
Yoga Beauty Fitness. How Yoga Helps?
Yoga helps you to attain your ideal body weight and gives you a proportionate body by removing excess weight from all body organs. It helps to improve flexibility and maintain correct posture for young looks.
Detoxifying your body is most essential for beauty. Yoga improves blood circulation and helps to remove toxins from the body. Detoxification of alimentary canal through yogic kriyas helps optimum absorption of nutrients in your food. Yoga practice helps to provide nutrition at the cellular level. All the internal organs and particularly the endocrine glands get activated and their functioning is optimised.
Yoga practice helps to reduce the stress levels considerably and provides complete relaxation. Yoga asanas and pranayama makes you free from disease by strengthening the immune system. Healthy body means healthy skin.
Yoga practice can specially benefit women to retain their natural beauty while coping up with menstrual problems, child birth, work and home stress etc. Most of the film personalities around the world practice yoga for years to retain their beauty and youthfulness. Yoga helps women to stay slim and active. So, ideally start your day with yoga practice.
What are the main obstacles in the path of beautiful skin?
- Insufficient nutrition due to
unhealthy eating habits.
- Eating foods which are poor in
nutrition like white flour, sugar, tea, coffee and soft drinks.
- Sedentary lifestyle which leads to
proper blood circulation and accumulation of toxins in our blood.
- Proper blood circulation which is most
essential for healthy skin.
- As a result of improper cleansing,
dirt and dust particles gets accumulated in our skin and clog sweat
- Poor digestion or frequent
- Over-exposure to sun.
Yoga For Beauty
Yoga asanas, pranayama and kriyas help to improve blood circulation, detoxify your body and restore proper functioning of your body as well as endocrine glands.
Yoga For Beauty: Poses
Asanas (yoga postures) help stimulate blood circulation through the
entire body, some of them are specially designed to reduce tension and prevent
you from stress.
Yoga mudra
Yoga For Beauty: Pranayama
practice provides us oxygen which is transported to our cells across the body
through our blood. Practice pranayama at least for 30 minutes early in the
morning in an open area or a green lawn.
deep breathing
Alom Vilom
Stress Reduction For Beauty
Deep breathing in shavasana after the yoga practice provides complete relaxation. Try yoga nidra after your yoga practice or before sleeping.
Meditation For Beauty
Practice meditation for 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time. If you know no other mediatation, practice om recitation by closing your eyes and concentrating on area between your eyebrows. Meditation will cool your nerves, improve your concentration and confidence.
Yoga For Beauty And Diet
Eat a
healthy and nutritious diet. Eat sattvik food as per yoga diet philosophy.
Include plenty of fresh dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, milk,
sprouts,nuts, whole grain cereals etc to your food. Eat fresh fruits and
vegetables in raw form or enjoy fresh vegetable/fruit juices. Vegetable juices
are a low calorie storehouse of nutrients. Eat a balanced diet and include
handful of nuts. Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and aerated drinks. Try to eat
freshly cooked food as far as possible. Stop intake of processed and junk food.
Here are some more tips on diet for beauty.
Yogic Tips For Glowing Skin
- Make water as your favourite drink.
Drink plenty of water as it hydrates the skin and helps to remove toxins.
It also helps to promote smooth bowel movements.
- Be cheerful at all times. There is
nothing better than laughter yoga in this regard.
- Practice detachment and avoid excesses
of food, drinks or emotions. Eat for nutrition and not for taste buds.
- Follow an active and healthy
- Clean and exfoliate your skin
regularly. Use an effective moisturiser.
- Get your body massaged periodically.
Oil massage improves blood circulation and improves the health of the
- Avoid over exposure to sun. Do
remember to apply your sun screen lotion.
- An eight-hours sound sleep will help
your body to replenish, regenerate and rejuvenate itself. Take rest at the
end of the day. Do not skip sound sleep, as a restless mind often affects
the overall health.
Can Yoga Make You Beatiful?
Effectiveness of yoga for beauty also depends on frequent and regular practice. Devoting about half an hour daily to yoga, can help you improve your natural beauty.
Learning all the yoga asanas or poses from a qualified teacher will be safe and beneficial.
I have seen poor girls in Indian villages who are too beautiful. They do not have access to good nutrition, any gym or a yoga class. They are happy people who earn and work and with loving families and use mustard oil or coconut oil from cooking to massage and as a hair oil. Beauty is gift of god. However, you can try yoga for beauty to improve or preserve what god has given you.
Has Yoga Made You Beautiful?
Do you have a great story about yoga and beauty? Or share your secret natural beauty tips. Share it now with our visitors!
Yoga Poses for better health
Has your love life gone
from sizzle to fizzle? You don’t have to memorize the Kama Sutra to spice
things up between the sheets. In fact, it’s the positions you assume outside the bedroom that could really heat things up. According to
research in The Journal of Sexual
Medicine, sexually dissatisfied
women who took up yoga and practiced mindfulness techniques reported higher
levels of arousal and desire, and better orgasms. To reap similar benefits,
perform the 10 poses below at least three times a week, spending a minute or so
in each position. If this is your first time practicing yoga, don’t worry;
we’ve linked each pose to a video tutorial so you can learn them at your own
Wide-Legged Straddle
Pose (Upavistha Konasana)
“This move is good for
low libido,” says yoga instructor Kate Hanley, author of The Anywhere, Anytime Chill Guide. “It improves blood flow to the pelvic area,
and where the blood goes, so do energy and vitality.” Research shows that
below-the-belt circulation is directly linked to arousal. The more blood
coursing through your veins, the higher your “state of enlightenment.” See the
move here. Photo: Shutterstock
Shoulder Stand (Salamba
Sagging skin isn’t the
only effect of the Earth’s downward pull. The lower half of your body is more
likely to suffer from sluggish circulation because the blood returning to your
heart faces an uphill climb. Beat gravity at its own game by flipping
upside-down. According to Hanley, this pose works on many woes that can plague
a healthy sex life. “It relieves fatigue, calms the mind, lessens symptoms of
depression and anxiety, and eases digestive problems,” she says. See the move here. Photo: Shutterstock
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
“Many women are so in
their head that they can’t get into their body,” says Ellen Barrett, yoga
instructor and author of Sexy Yoga. When your mind gets in the way of a good romp
in the hay, try this pose to help you focus and relax. “Everything that helps
you to be in the moment is going to help you be more sensual,” she explains.
Child’s pose is very soothing and can really tune the mind to the body. See the
move here. Photo: Shutterstock
Lizard Pose (Utthan
“Lizard is a great way
to ease the hips open and calm the mind,” says Tara Stiles, yoga instructor and
author of Slim Calm Sexy Yoga. Take long, deep breaths while resting in this
position. “When your attention is focused on your breath instead of your
thoughts, you are brought right into the moment, which helps for all sort of
things, including time in between the sheets.” See the move here. Photo: Shutterstock
Goddess Pose (Supta
Baddha Konasana)
According to Hanley,
this pose can help alleviate PMS and menopause––both of which can make you feel
as sexy as a sack of potatoes––and it promotes healthy function of the
reproductive organs. “Plus, it teaches you how to get comfortable with being
vulnerable, which true, mind-blowing intimacy requires,” adds Hanley. See the
move here. Photo: Shutterstock
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada
“Pigeon is the best way
to release deep tension in the hips and put the mind in total chill mode,” says
Stiles. Whereas men tend to store tension in their shoulders, women tend to
hold it in their hips. So this pose can help relieve tightness and restore
flexibility. Relax into the position and hold for 10 long, deep breaths,
advises Stiles. See the move here. Photo: iStockphoto
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha
“Downward dog calms the
mind and invigorates the body, both important ingredients in good sex,” says
Hanley. “You can almost feel the tension sliding off your back when you do this
pose. Plus, you've got your butt up in the air, which is about as ‘come hither’
as it gets!” See the move here. Photo: iStockphoto
Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
This move is so sexy,
it’s even in the Kama Sutra. In this pose, you wrap one leg around the other
like a rope. This, says Barrett, has a tourniquet effect. When you release, all
the blood rushes through the cervix, which primes the whole area for some TLC.
Don’t be intimidated by this move, she says; it’s not as challenging as it
looks. Photo: Shutterstock
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha
Exercises that
strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, like Kegels, were invented to help treat
urinary incontinence, but it was discovered that they had other benefits as
well. Namely, they tone the vagina and improve orgasms. According to Barrett,
holding the bridge pose is similar to doing a Kegel, because you squeeze those
same pelvic muscles. Photo: Shutterstock
Plow Pose (Halasana)
Even though stress can make
sex seem as appealing as a root canal, it may be just what the doctor ordered;
pleasurable activities like sex alleviate stress by blocking anxiety responses
in the brain. Still, if you can’t seem to muster the energy, plow pose can help
you rejuvenate, says Barrett. “In this position, blood flows to the brain to
wake you up. Plus, with your legs draped over your head, you’re looking
straight at your hips and connecting to that area visually, which can be a
powerful aphrodisiac,” she explains. See the move here. Photo: iStockphoto
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