

This expression, by itself, directly means "with oxygen", but it comes alive when used as an adjective to identify exercise. Aerobic exercise is exercise that is energetic enough and vigorous, lasts long enough and is done regularly enough to keep your heart and lungs in good conditions. Aerobic exercises burn fat faster than any other type of exercise. Aerobics is a type of physical exercise that integrates rhythmic aerobic exercise with stretching and strength training routines with the objective of improving all elements of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength, and cardio-vascular fitness). It is generally performed in group with background music and this is directed by an instructor, although it can be practiced solo and without musical accompaniment. 

Regimens associated with this purpose admit any form of vigorous exercise, such as cycling, jogging, and swimming. More narrowly, the terminology behind "aerobics" points to the efficacy of oxygen as it is used by the body during the prolonged exercises that are indicated. 

Naturally, aerobics is not a recent idea, and it had not its origin in the 1980s. Instead, it was Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper (air force physician and former track runner) who in 1968 would change the world of exercise as it was known by publishing a book entitled "Aerobics," thus coining a term thus far not used. An eloquent speaker, splendid motivator, and engaging television personality introduced him into the living rooms of thousands. In many ways this publication started a craze which got people exercising in droves. 

The exercise regimens were simple to start and easy to follow. Aerobics had to be exercises that would pressure the body to elevate its oxygen intake; consequently, the exercises had to be continuous and at the same time rhythmic to avoid declines and spines in the oxygen consumption. All the large muscle groups were used, increasing the work heart and lungs were performing.


"Origin of the way ending in a fit and healthy world"

Aerobics consists in a system of exercises to prevent coronary artery sicknesses which was first put forwarded by a physician called Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in San Antonio air force hospital in Texas. Sometimes after the publishing of cooper's book with respect to the exercise system, Aerobics in 1968, a person called Jackie Sorenson developed a series of dance routines known as the aerobic dance to generously improve the cardiovascular fitness. So, aerobic dance and other form of exercises gain existence and made its way prudently between the masses all over United States and many other counties and that too in a very short span of around two decades. The number of aerobics participators in the US alone raises from an estimated 6 million in 1978 to 19 million in 1987. For the mentioned previously, one can easily observe the enormous popularity of aerobics between the people around the world.

Something about sport-aerobics

In the year of 1983 Howard and Karen Schwartz developed a very new and competitive sport called sport-aerobics. In the year 1984, their group organization known as the sport fitness international has the credit of organizing the first national aerobic championship. Sport-aerobics at the beginning, started featuring competition in four categories namely individual male and female, mixed pairs and trio which have the facility to include any of the three athletes. In the year 2002 the competition was improved to a group of six athletes. The verdict toward the competitors is done on a one minute, forty-five seconds routine done to music. Judges elect two criteria namely the artistic merit and the technical merit with an overall 10 pints each. In 1996 sport-aerobics is officially adopted as a Gymnastique discipline. 

Growth of aerobics since the early years
Aerobics grows at a tedious pace since the day of its prelude. All kind of people are identifying aerobics to be beneficial and helpful in preserving a fit and healthy body structure. Now, the actual reality is such that every person among a heavy work schedule makes out at least half an hour to work out either in the gym or in the home. Every one today stress on the need to stay healthy and hence aerobics and all its form of exercises are rapidly gaining popularity. 

History of step aerobics
In the year 1989, Gin Miller, a competitive gymnast during the college, bore her own overuse injury in consequence of high-impact aerobics. Her physical therapy based of stepping up and down on a milk box to fortify and rehabilitate the muscles of her knee. Rather than a milk box, she used her porch steps and included aerobic music to break the silence and reduce boredom. This simple concept gave rise to the famous way of exercise we know today as step aerobics.


There are many benefits, aerobic exercise impulses the heart and circulatory system of the body, further than the easy pace of many every day activities. This stress obliges the body to adapt causing many changes which benefit us in lots of ways. The health benefits we obtain of the aerobic exercise are almost vital, not only does this kind of exercise help to regulate weight; it also limits the opportunities of developing many frequent illness and diseases. 

The important benefits are:
1.-   The heart operates more efficient and becomes more stronger.
2.-   It helps to control your weight.
3.-   Decreases the risk in developing diabetes, heart diseases and obesity.
4.-   There is an augment in good cholesterol and reduction in bad cholesterol.
5.-   It augments endorphins.
6.-   Augments the body's efficiency to take in oxygen and makes you breathe faster.
7.-   It helps to reduce and regulate the body fat.
8.-   Increases the body muscle strength and elasticity.
9.-   Increases the quality of sleep that refreshes you early next morning.
10.- Helps to decrease chronic diseases like heart disease and hypertension.
11.- Aerobics intensify the resistance fatigue and gives you more vigor and energy.
12.- Recovers your mood and decreases the depression, stress and anxiety.
13.- It avoids overheating.
14.- Aerobics pushes the blood faster and more energetically.
15.- Helps in prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
16.- Sculptures muscles of the body and makes your body more flexible.
17.- Helps to reduce blood pressure.
18.- Prevents from certain types of cancer also.
In general aerobics burns your fat. Aerobics provides a long life, a health life and happiness. Increases a positive attitude in you and modifies your perception of looking towards life. 

Regular aerobic exercises will force the heart to gradually enlarge and it is important to always target your heart rate. The frequent stress of aerobic exercise obligates the heart to progressively enlarge so future exercise eventually demands less effort. A larger heart permits us to maintain exercise for longer periods because more oxygenated blood can be transported to the working muscles. Furthermore has the added benefit that a higher fat percentage can be used to supply the energy for exercise. 

Aerobic activity exists of many ways and you can obtain the benefits from the time you spend in doing them. The benefits of aerobic exercise are excellent for your body and your mind and will help to make you live longer, stay healthier and feel great. 

Here safety is first: The aerobic routine with much emphasis can cause sprains and injuries. So never omit the pain and directly consult your doctor. If you have any medical problem you should consult a doctor and then start the routine. If a trouble such as dizziness, vomiting, back pain or any other originates consult your doctor and then continue the aerobic activity.


Actually, the best aerobic exercise for you depends on your level of fitness. Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout that extends over a certain period of time and uses oxygen in this process. Well, in these years, the practice of aerobics has become the most happening workout trend between the youth. Not only is performing aerobic exercise interesting, but also is very beneficial for health. There are diverse types of aerobics such as fitness, water aerobics, step aerobics, swimming, kickboxing, fitness walking, inline skating, bicycling etc.

Here we have the more generals:

Low Impact Aerobics
There exist people, who can't perform high intensity workout, because maybe they have some health problems or their poor health conditions. For such people, low impact aerobics is the precise workout choice. Low impact aerobic exercise comprehends rhythmic movements, with exercising of the large muscle groups.

Water Aerobics
Water aerobic exercises are an agreeable way to exercise over the hot summers. Maybe the work out can seem like one splashing surrounding the pool waters, yet those who are seriously into water aerobic exercise claim it's an excellent method to burn out unwanted flab from the body and build inner strength. In effect, health experts declare that the water aerobic exercise is good for people ailing from arthritis and other problems many times.

Step aerobics

This kind of exercise is a newer version and interesting technique of aerobics. Conventional aerobics are practiced on the floor: you discover a series of dance steps such as the Pony or the Jazz Square, which are often done in four, two steps taking you in one direction, two more taking you the other direction.

Dance Aerobics

Aerobic dance integrates exercise and dance movements into routines that are practiced with the music. Many dance ways are used, including ballet, jazz, and disco. Aerobic dance classes integrate fat-burning aerobics with develop of the muscle and stretching exercises. There is no jumping around in low-impact aerobic dance. Your foot is on the ground all times. This kind of aerobic is slower and it is simpler to do than intermediate and advanced classes.

Sport Aerobics

Sport Aerobics is a hard and competitive sport that has a singular connection of aerobic choreography and gymnastics elements. This sport generate a chance for adolescents, and adult individuals to compete in a sport that demands less risk than gymnastics while keeping the artistic quality and fun of aerobics. 


Aerobic exercise is good for each person. Aerobic fitness moves integrate rhythmic calisthenics or dance moves with stretching and strength training routines to provide a full-body exercise experience. 

Here some moves you need to give your body a full aerobic workout: 

Warm-Up Moves

Aerobic moves that change the heart from a resting heart rate to a warm-up rate start slowly and build in energy and intensity. Walking or marching in place is the most regular warm-up aerobic move, with your steps deepening into lunges at the end of the warm-up to add intensity, energy and increase the circulation of blood to the muscles. Other first phase moves comprehend stepping from side to side and moving the arms at waist level or higher.

Aerobic moves over the warm-up phase should also comprehend a gentle stretch of each of the major muscle groups, including the lower back. 

The warm-up phase of an aerobic workout should be from 5 to 10 minutes. The objective during the warm-up phase is to elevate the body's core temperature, warm up the muscles and joints, and get ready the body for the training portion of the workout.

Aerobic Moves In The Zone

The next phase of your workout carries your body toward your target heart rate. The intensity of the movement grows and the pace of the movement grows. Some aerobic moves are universally recognized to augment intensity; for example, stopping the body's momentum and moving the body in the contrary direction is a high intensity move. For this reason, is why aerobic routines comprehend a lot of back and forth movements and up and back movements in the middle part of the workout. 

Lifting the weight of body is another high intensity aerobic move. Leaping, hopping, and powering through a move are all high intensity actions. This part of the workout should be from 15 to 25 minutes, with intensity building at the beginning of the session, peaking mid-session, and subsiding toward the end of this phase of the aerobic workout.

Cool-Down Aerobic Moves

The last segment of an aerobic exercise workout is the cool-down and stretch period. The intense movements terminate, the pace of the workout decelerates, and the activity returns to the modest, gentler motions of the warm-up phase. You should not stop exercising abruptly without this cool-down phase. Maybe, you could sense dizziness and could collapse if you do. Instead, delay the pace of your exercise until your heart is beating fewer than 100 times per minute.

Terminate your aerobic moves workout by stretching all the muscles you exercised to help them return to their normal length, to increase your flexibility, and to keep your muscles flexible and toned.


Aerobic exercise also called cardiovascular exercise it is any sustained, rhythmic activity that affects large muscle groups. Aerobic exercise presses that the lungs work harder as the body's need for oxygen is incremented. 

There are numerous aerobics exercises among the most popular are:

Step aerobics exercise

The antique of step aerobics is almost 25 years and is yet one of the most accepted and effective ways of exercising: in a class or at home. All you require is a step and some upbeat music.

Indoor Cycling and Spinning

In 1989 the indoor cycling began and spinning is right now one of the most practiced exercise classes at the gym. Perhaps it's because you don't require special skills to practice; perhaps it's because a 45 minutes class can burn 500 calories or more-a major but low-impact workout that suits people of all ages. The other benefits of cycling are the mental aspects of it: spinning classes provide videotaped rides with fantastic landscapes, soothing music and encouragement, all with the benefits of workout out in a group of likeminded exercisers.

Jump Rope exercise

The jump rope is a kind of exercise that can be done practically anywhere, at anytime, does not need a lot of instruction time, and the equipment only costs $1. It is known that the little girls love jump roping and how frequently have you passed them on the streets shouting as they take turns. Some preferences for Evander Holyfield and Golden Boy Oscar de la Hoya are known to jump rope in order to stay fit and get in their aerobic exercise.

Running and Jogging fitness

Jogging and running are the typical aerobic activities: they burn lots of calories in a short period of time. Some people love to run; they find it stimulating. Nevertheless, there are emphatic drawbacks to running: your risk of lesion is much greater in comparison than with other aerobic activities, since the weight of your body is pounding down onto your joints.

Jazzercise Aerobic fitness

Jazzercise is a popular aerobics workout, ready in classes arrangement from a few people to many dozen, depending on the individual class. Trainers are certified and very informed: they not only impart you the steps you require, but create choreographed routines and offer instructions for lower-impact workouts and injury prevention. You can get Jazzercise classes in most towns, presented at several times of day, for very economical prices.

Water aerobic fitness

A particular kind of aerobics, water aerobics is perfect for people with articulations problems, back pain, fragile bones due to illness of age, persons with problems of overweight who want to get in shape without stressing their bodies, or people who get overheated easily.

Selecting a yoga exercise class

There is a huge mistake; people think that yoga is just about stretching. The practice involves much than just stretching, it helps to grow and develop your respiratory system. The respiratory system is the organs that supply the oxygen to your body in other words, your heart and your lungs.

Tai Chi, Yoga and other mind-body exercise

Along with the fact of wanting to look and feel good physically, many of us want to increment our mental and spiritual stability. Mind-body exercises associate awareness with activities to enhance both physical fitness and mental well-being. In effect, the most ancient traditions all possess a mental and spiritual focus.

Weight training for women

Several women worry that weight training may cause them bunchy, unfeminine muscles, but the purpose is that weight training tends to make us lose weight, gain strength and tone up in unprecedented forms. By training out two or four times a week with weights, women may can lose 3.5 pounds of fat and put on 1.75 pounds of muscle.


Aerobic exercise is any prolonged action that makes you exhale and inhale hard while using the large muscle groups at a regular, even pace. Aerobic activities contribute to have a heart stronger and more efficient. During the early part of exercise, your body uses stored carbohydrate and circulating fatty acids (the building blocks of fat molecules) for energy. 

Aerobic relate with any exercise that helps you process oxygen more efficiently by reaching and preserving your Target Heart Range - the safest range of heart beats per minute among the activity of the exercise. Calculate your Target Heart Range by subtracting your age from 220 for women and 226 for men (go figure!) and multiplying your answer by 60% and by 80%. The lower number recommends a safe rate for beginners, while the higher number would be your goal as your fitness level improves.

Tips for bringing aerobics safely into your daily life:
1).- Conserve a relaxed pace. For example, you should be able to maintain a conversation while walking briskly. If you don't feel comfortable again within 10 minutes following exercise, you will be practicing too hard. Also, if you have difficulty breathing or perceive faint or weak during or after exercise, you are exercising too hard.

2).- Intensify your training in stages to obtain the most benefits with the fewest risks. If you haven't been training, begin at a slow pace and progressively increase the amount of time and the pace of your activity as you become more fit.

3).- Choose activities that are accord with your personality and have a detail of fun. For example, if you like team sports or group activities; choose basketball or an aerobics class. If you choose individual activities, select swimming or walking. Also, plan your activities for a moment of the day that accords with your personality. If you possess more energy in the morning, program activities that can be done at the beginning of the day.

4).- Program a workout schedule. To get the most health benefits it is essential to exercise as regularly as possible. Alternating your aerobic activities helps to conserve the excitement and anticipation in each sport alive.

5).- Intensify your safety and comfort. There are genuine reasons why so many athletics shoes are available in the market. Diverse exercises as walking and tennis demand a shoe designed quite differently than an aerobics or running shoe. Also, the regular workout attire that moves and breathes properly is essential.

6).- Encourage your family or friends to support or join you in your activity. When parents are active, their children are more likely to be active and stay active for the rest of their lives.

7).- Challenge yourself. Set short-term as well as long-term goals and celebrate every success, no matter how small.

8).- Whether your objective is to regulate your weight or just to feel healthier, becoming physically active is a step in the right direction. Catch the advantages of the health benefits that regular exercise can provide and make physical activity a part of your lifestyle.


These two words aerobic and anaerobic refer to energy pathways that are used during exercise. Aerobic means "with oxygen" and anaerobic means "without oxygen".

Fat requires oxygen to burn totally in order to burn fat in the time of the exercise, we need to move slowly and smoothly. This enables muscle cells to be supplied with enough oxygen to continue with its aerobic capacity and utilize fat as the main energy source.

Anaerobic exercise needs changing at an increased pace or with greater effort. Exercising this way burns more calories but results in a greater demand for oxygen which cannot be delivered in sufficient quantities to allow cells to continue burning fat. When we breathe heavy, we begin to acquire an oxygen debt and muscle cells switch to burning mainly carbohydrates, this fuel burns quickly and does not demand oxygen.

Benefits of Anaerobic exercise:

Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a short period of time. Benefits include:

• Development of stronger muscles.

• Improved max VO 2 (the highest amount of oxygen one can consume during exercise) and thus an improved cardio respiratory system.

• The bigger capacity to resist the buildup of waste substances such as lactic acid and increased ability to remove them from the body. This means your tolerance and ability to fight fatigue will improve.
In short, anaerobic exercise burns fewer calories than does aerobic exercise and may be somewhat less beneficial for cardiovascular fitness. Nevertheless, it's really good at building strength and muscle mass and still benefits the heart and lungs. At long last, increased muscle mass helps a person become leaner and lose weight, because muscle uses large amounts of calories.

How anaerobic exercise works

As you start to work out energetically, there is a momentary shortage of oxygen being delivered to the working muscles. A common term related to anaerobic energy production is lactic acid. Lactic acid is a by-product of producing energy anaerobically. When lactic acid accumulates at high levels in the blood, it could be cause of muscular fatigue. This is because anaerobic exercises cannot last long. With training, the body is better equipped to control lactic acid. Many efficient changes happen in the body during training as consequence in decreased production of lactic acid and increased removal of it from the bloodstream. The body develops “buffers” that decelerate the onset of fatigue in the middle of the anaerobic exercise. Studies have demonstrated that with anaerobic training, the muscle's buffering capacity is augmented by 12% to 50%. With this augmented buffering capacity, more lactic acid can concentrate during high intensity exercise without causing fatigue.


1. If you are new to exercise, do not immediately begin with high intensity activity. Beginners should start at about 50% intensity and increase from there.
2. Anaerobic exercise is not recommended if you are pregnant.
3. Do a 5-10 minute warm up before starting any anaerobic exercise, and a 5-10 minute cool down after your workout session.

Fitness Nutrition

When you appreciate at fitness and nutrition and the results of ignoring their importance, it is not complex to observe how large a role they play in our health. First of all, it's very important to know how powerfully diet can affect us. Natural, whole foods - such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins - give our bodies the vitamins that it needs to function correctly. 

Eating correctly permits us to conserve a healthy weight and keep undue stress off of our hearts; it also permits us to keep our blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the healthy range. Most important, good nutrition conserves our bodies stocked with antioxidants that fight off a range of illnesses including cancer.

  • How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight
Albeit dieting seems common these days, a Healthy Eating Plan is generally best. Several nutrition experts coincide that minimizing dietary fat, regulating portions and staying physically active are the real keys to healthy weight management.

  • How to avoid iron deficiency
Iron insufficiency is a possibly serious condition that impacts more than 1 billion people worldwide. Know how to distinguish the signs, treat, and prevent iron deficiencies.

  • Change your eating habit and behaviors
Discover how to keep your weight and augment your fitness level through changing you bad Eating Habits Read steps you can take to correct your eating behavior.

  • Low sugar diets and proper sugar intake
How much sugar is too much sugar? Discover how to regulate your sugar intake and maintain a Low Sugar Diet. Sugar can be a source of excess calories in your daily diet.

  • Benefits of High Fiber Foods and Diets
Searching for a powerful method to discourage disease and fuel a high-energy lifestyle? Discover how a High Fiber Diet can considerably you health and fitness level and also help you fight of disease.

  • Non diet approach to eating healthy food
According to some made studies, the diet may be the problem. Several experts believe people become so accustomed to dieting as a way of life that they lose touch with their natural relationship with food. Learn how to eat right through Eating Healthy Food and kick the bad habit of dieting. 


There are several millions of Americans that train with some form of aerobics routine or the other and aerobics routines have become a sport that are pleasure to perform for losing weight and staying in shape. The most common aerobics routines are the low-impact routines and dance besides is a preponderant factor that has been inspired by ballet, salsa and even hip-hop. 

The aerobic routine serves to increasing cardiopulmonary efficiency besides strengthening the heart and lungs. Additionally, the aerobic routine should also assist to increase blood circulation and lower cholesterol levels as well as reduce stress and anxiety. Being a somewhat hard exercise form, the aerobics routine maybe require profound preparation and wise election, which should ensure that proper equipment is used, to avoid being injured. 

A sample schedule for the beginner’s fitness enthusiast:

Day One:
You should take as easy twenty-minute walk at a beautiful bright place. Look a friendly place to walk, avoid the pollution. If you can't find one, maybe you can go to a park, beach, grassland or the countryside away from pollution. You require being able to keep up an interesting conversation. If you are in oxygen debt you won't burn calories as well so take it easy at first. Upon returning, use approximately ten or fifteen minutes stretching. You should practice it periodically; otherwise the extra calories can accumulate in thighs or butt. When you begin with some periodic activity, the brain stars to think this body is active and needs to increase the metabolism. Then the brain will get to a higher metabolic level. As you augment your exercise program you will have more byproducts known as free radicals. This is the argument for us to work with nutrition as well, because you need to increase the antioxidants to keep the body healthy from the free radicals.

Day Two:
Just stretch for ten to fifteen minutes. If you find a pool, maybe you can choose swimming for ten to fifteen minutes. 

Day Three:
Walk fast for twenty-five minutes. Stretch for fifteen, or if you have it down, it could only take ten minutes to get a fantastic stretch.

Day Four:
Swim and stretch for at least twenty minutes and ten respectively.

Day Five:
You might miss one. Or walk maybe longer and easy or hard depending on how you feel.

Day Six:
Walk a good distance faster for thirty minutes. If you feel tight walking, stop after you break into a light sweat and stretch for a few minutes. Regarding the legs and gluteus muscles. Then continue, finishing up with a good ten minute stretch.

Day Seven:
If you didn't miss one day, consider an easy walk, swim or stretch, may be do something with family or friends. If you got distressed at all during the week, then rest and just stretch or swim. 

Keep this program until you may be able to walk thirty minutes without losing your breath at all. This can last two weeks for most people and up to four weeks for others. If it takes you longer, stay with twenty-five minutes for two months, and then move into the next level. If within two weeks your body serves you well, you can proceed with the next level.

Keep on the following day with an energetic walk for thirty minutes. Now we will begin to burn some fat. From now on, you workouts should last approximately forty-five minutes. As you each time get stronger, your hard days go by like your easy days, when you first started. Walking can escalate to five times per week within the first few months, depending on your body. At this level it's not as critical as it will be when we start the strengthening program using weights, running or strengthening exercises.

Six to Eight Weeks:
After six or eight weeks, begin your strength-training program. Once again, listen to your body. If you don't feel quite ready at six weeks, take eight. You can go in either of two directions with this addition to your program, with diverse levels of intensity depending on your body and your abilities.

If you are able and you are willing to run for your particular objectives, you may now commence to run. Begin with simple jogging for 20 minutes every day, and weight training every other day. Running at this time should be at least three days a week, the same for weight training. There is some evidence, nevertheless, that we could get by with two days of weight training and still do okay. Have one day of rest. The day you rest should be a very easy workout, stretching, swimming or family fun. 


Investigation has demonstrated that aerobics is one of the healthiest ways of exercise. The literal meaning of aerobics is with oxygen in that case, aerobics helps us to consume oxygen more efficiently by conditioning the heart and lungs. This helps in the diminution of stress and weight control. Aerobic exercises possess an ample range of benefits such as it encourages cardiovascular and muscular fitness and increases flexibility. The aerobic exercises are fantastic for doing a stronger heart and leaner body, lowering cholesterol and improving sleep patterns. 

Aerobic exercises are those which move the heart rate into the "training zone" (60 to 80 percent of the body's maximum heart rate) and improve the body's circulation and respiratory rate. Aerobic exercise is based by oxygen and it is occasionally called fat-burning exercise, cardiovascular exercise or cardio work. Aerobic exercise can be maintained up for prolonged time periods; in effect the longer you exercise for, the greater the health benefits.

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Personal Trainers

Aerobic exercise enjoys of several health benefits. It burns calories very quickly and, if performed periodically can improve the basal metabolic rate, both of which aid in weight loss. Also aerobic exercise is used to help people with conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, anxiety and premenstrual syndrome.

Aerobic exercise provides the heart a fantastic workout, burns up fat, boosts the immune system and it is essential for the prevention of the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries. It improves joint and muscle flexibility, stamina, sleep and digestion and it normalizes hormone levels, helping to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms. Aerobic exercise that is weight-bearing can prevent osteoporosis by fortifying and slowing down the loss of calcium in the bones. It also is good for pregnant women. Women who do aerobics tend to have an easier delivery than others. 

Note: About the heart
The aerobic exercise can give stress on the heart if we are not accustomed to it and this is particularly true for old people or those with weight problems, for this it is important to start slowly and build up progressively. As the fitness level of the body improves, the heart will slowly acquire strength, until it obtains a level at which it does not require to work so hard to supply the body with sufficient oxygen to keep exercise. Walking is a fantastic way to get initiated on a programme of aerobic exercise: walking to work or to shops and walking up stairs whenever possible. As you feel best each time, elevate the challenge by walking faster and for longer periods or try hill-walking. Joining a low impacts aerobics class and working at our own pace is also a fantastic idea. Cardiovascular equipments in gyms -such as treadmills and training bikes- is useful because it offers direct feedback on the heart, allowing us to slow down if we are working too hard.
Guidelines for exercising
1. It is very important to warm up and cool down before and after exercise to permit a slow build up to our training heart zone and to avoid injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments.
2. When lifting weights we should not train the same muscle groups on consecutive days. We should allow at least one or two days of rest among training sessions.
3. We should always pay careful attention to our posture while lifting weights.
4. Always wear comfortable well fitting sneakers that cushion the feet and offer good ankle support.
5. Try to take moderate exercise three or four times a week rather than intensive exercise intermittently.
6. While swimming avoid breast stroke if you suffer from back problems.
7. It possible gets a personally tailored exercise routine from a doctor, fitness instructor or personal trainer.
8. We should be careful while exercising outside. Try avoiding bad weather conditions and don’t exercise in deserted areas.
9. Wear sufficient amount of clothing and make sure that you are visible to oncoming traffic.
10. Exercising with a friend is a good way to motivate oneself.
11. If at any time during the exercise you feel dizzy, nauseous, faint or in pain stop exercising immediately.
How aerobics helps individuals suffering from diseases like diabetes, obesity, arthritis and osteoporosis.
Diabetes mellitus is a set of diseases which is distinguished by a condition in which the body has problem taking glucose from the blood and sending it to the rest of the body so that it can be used as energy.
People who are overweight by 30 % of the ideal body weight are known as obese. Being obese and being overweight are not a similar thing. An obese person has a large amount of extra body fat, not just a few extra pounds.

Improved recovery after aerobic exercise with a memory foam mattress
Keeping fit and staying healthy is becoming increasingly important to people these days, and the health-conscious are using aerobic exercise to achieve varied benefits. This type of exercise is great for improving your sleep pattern as long as it is carried out 3 hours or more before going to bed. This is because when you exercise your body temperature rises above normal. When you get ready for bed the body is getting back to its normal temperature and this decrease in body temperature appears to be a trigger that helps ease you into sleep. 

An effective ‘cool down’ is especially important after exercise to avoid injury to muscles and ligaments. An Ergoflex memory foam mattressis ideal for relaxing on after a work out due to the ‘cool-sleep’ air flow system. The mattress ensures comfort and allows the body to return to normal body temperature. 

Posture is imperative when working out and particularly when doing aerobic routines. It isn’t always possible to make sure your posture is correct when exercising though. An Ergoflex memory foam mattress can provide a helping hand after a workout, by shaping to the bodies contours and supporting the body where it needs it the most. This therefore means that your spine and muscles aren’t put under any pressure during sleep and can fully relax after any vigorous aerobic exercise. 

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